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Friday 4 April 2014

Nowhere Man

When The Beatles wrote the lyrics to ' Nowhere Man ' they probably didn't intend it to have a deep meaning. Indeed maybe it was a disparaging observation on a life lived without meaning! However there is a wisdom in No Where. There is a wisdom' in Not Going. There is a wisdom in Not Doing.
So many people are on ' a journey ' a journey to find themselves, to find the truth, to become enlightened.
Here in Findhorn we have a constant stream of ' Teachers ' claiming to give answers. Their workshops are well attended and if their methods don't work, well there is another ' way ' on offer by another teacher!
From my observations there is a certain type of deluded egoism at work here. It is fashionable to drop into conversations the revelation that " I am on a journey, I am on the path " Here in Findhorn everybody is on a ' journey ' so endless conversations about the collective ' journey ' take place and reinforce the seekers determination to get ' there '
But where is  there? Where is it?
Actually it is nowhere and it is everywhere. It just is. It is not necessary to follow the latest teachers workshop or Utube video. Save your money and sit. Sit and watch the sea. Sit and contemplate nature, a wonderful sunset, the miracle of a bee and the warmth of the sun. You are part of this. Isn't it enough?

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